
Kiss Comix


war DAS spanische - monatlich erscheinende - Erotik-Comic-Magazin, das es in seiner 20jährigen Laufzeit zwischen 1991 und (August) 2011 auf insgesamt 239 Ausgaben brachte. Herausgeber war Ediciones La Cúpula, die bereits das sehr erfolgreiche Magazin
El Vibora publizierten, das von 1979 bis 2005 lief.


Das Magazin wurde als Franchise-Format in Frankreich als La Poudre aux Rêves und in den USA als French Kiss Comix veröffentlicht.

La Cúpula hatte bereits Jahre zuvor Erfahrung mit pornographischen Comics gesammelt die ab dem Jahr 1987 unter dem Label Collection X in Albumstärke vertrieben wurden.


Das Kiss Comix Magazin war ein Stelldichein und Sprungbrett für viele heimische wie internationale Comic-Künstler. Durch kontinuierliche Aufträge konnten sich manche Zeichner "fast gänzlich" auf die "Dirty Pictures" konzentrieren.


Hatte das Kiss Comix Magazin in seiner Hochphase eine Auflage von rund 30.000 Kopien, rutschte die Anzahl der verkauften Hefte in den letzten Jahren kontinuierlich unter 6.000 Exemplare. Mitte der Nullerjahre bekam das Heft große Konkurrenz durch das Internet, die den Markt mit "kostenlose" pornographische Angebote förmlich überflutete.


Neben der übermächtigen Konkurrenz durch das Internet war es aber auch die konzeptionelle Starrheit des Projekts sowie fehlender Willen zu Innovationen, das letztendlich zum Fall des Magazins führte. Allein das Titel-Design des Magazins änderte sich im Laufe der 20 Jahre fast überhaupt nicht. Doch das war sicherlich nicht der alleinige Grund für den Niedergang.


Recht schön fasst es User BLACK auf nbmeurotica.blogspot in einem Kommentar zusammen (1):

"... This sentence said it all: "Kiss offered a platform for narrative experimentation and ALSO we paid" (Anmerkung: Aussage von Diego A. Manrique/La Cupula) They "ALSO" paid their employees!! How good is that uh? You don't see that everyday! People normally works just for fun! Imagine to get paid too! WOOOW!!! Jesus christ, the nerve of those bloodsuckers.

If the most popular porn comic magazine in the world can't stay in business, it's because they don't even care anymore. I mean c'mon, there's Garden magazines, Cars magazines, Bikes magazines, Economy magazines, shoes magazines! that stays in business. Obviously the free downloads take a huge blow to their earnings, they couldn't paid even less to their suffering artists and they couldn't afford to earn "less" themselves. So F*ck it, it's closing time, sorry guys, you do beautiful comics and all, but we can't have a business just to "pay" your work and put food in yours family's mouths. It's ridicolous for a 20 years old world famous magazine to be unable to keep the work source of such amazing artists, when a recently born publisher like IVREA is doing great flooding the market with CRAP! It makes no sense, Kiss was THE erotic magazine. How can it go out of business like this? ..."


In 2012 wurde die Marke "Kiss Comix" wiederbelebt und Verleger La Cúpula brachte unter diesem Label Sammelbände/Graphic Novels namhafter Erotik-Comic-Künstler heraus. Den Anfang machte Atilio Gambedotti mit seinen Cuatro amigas ("4 Girlfriends").

Weitere Bände unter dem Kiss Label: El afinador ("The Piano Turner") von Noé und Miss 130 von Chiyoji Tomo.


Im April 2012 verstarb der langjährige Herausgeber und Gründer des Kiss Comix Magazins Jose Maria Berenguer an einem Krebsleiden. (2)





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This translation is unedited!


Kiss Comix


was THE Spanish - monthly - erotic comic magazine, which in its 20-year period between 1991 and (August) 2011 brought it to a total of 239 issues. Ediciones La Cúpula, who has already published the very successful magazine El Vibora, which ran from 1979 to 2005.


The magazine was published as a franchise format in France as La Poudre aux Rêves and in the USA as French Kiss Comix.

La Cúpula had already gathered experience with pornographic comics years before, which were distributed under the label Collection X in album strength since 1987.


The Kiss Comix Magazine was a get-together and springboard for many local and international comic artists. Through continuous commissions, some artists were able to concentrate "almost entirely" on the "Dirty Pictures".


While the Kiss Comix magazine had a circulation of around 30,000 copies in its peak period, the number of books sold has dropped steadily to less than 6,000 copies in recent years. In the mid-zero years, the magazine was faced with great competition from the Internet, which literally flooded the market with "free" pornographic offers.


In addition to the overwhelming competition from the Internet, it was also the conceptual rigidity of the project and the lack of willingness to innovate that ultimately led to the fall of the magazine. The magazine's title design alone has hardly changed at all in the course of the last 20 years. But that was certainly not the only reason for the decline.


It sums up User BLACK on nbmeurotica. blogspot quite nicely in a comment (1):

"... This sentence said it all: "Kiss offered a platform for narrative experimentation and ALSO we paid" (Anmerkung: Aussage von Diego A. Manrique/La Cupula) They "ALSO" paid their employees!! How good is that uh? You don't see that everyday! People normally works just for fun! Imagine to get paid too! WOOOW!!! Jesus christ, the nerve of those bloodsuckers.

If the most popular porn comic magazine in the world can't stay in business, it's because they don't even care anymore. I mean c'mon, there's Garden magazines, Cars magazines, Bikes magazines, Economy magazines, shoes magazines! that stays in business. Obviously the free downloads take a huge blow to their earnings, they couldn't paid even less to their suffering artists and they couldn't afford to earn "less" themselves. So F*ck it, it's closing time, sorry guys, you do beautiful comics and all, but we can't have a business just to "pay" your work and put food in yours family's mouths. It's ridicolous for a 20 years old world famous magazine to be unable to keep the work source of such amazing artists, when a recently born publisher like IVREA is doing great flooding the market with CRAP! It makes no sense, Kiss was THE erotic magazine. How can it go out of business like this? ..."



In 2012, the "Kiss Comix" brand was revived and publisher La Cúpula launched a collection of graphic novels by La Cúpula, a well-known erotic comic artist. Atilio Gambedotti started with his Cuatro amigas ("4 Girlfriends").

Further volumes under the Kiss label: El afinador ("The Piano Turner") by Noé and Miss 130 by Chiyoji Tomo.


In April 2012, the long-time editor and founder of Kiss Comix magazine Jose Maria Berenguer died of cancer. (2)

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